Boating America Ohio

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Ohio Information
180 - Unlimited HP
Public Lakes and Rivers
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Ohio River In Cincinnati . . . . .
Ohio Lakes 2000 acres or larger with a note of a few smaller unlimited
HP lakes.
Lake Erie. Various places to launch, Unlimited HP. Camping, Rentals,
Fuel, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Picnicking. Suggested Sights
and events, The Rock Hall of Fame and waterfront area. Cedar Point, Sandusky
Bay, Marblehead, Kelly's Island, Put-n-Bay, Canadian Peeles Island, Toledo
. Various boating events year round. Call 1-800 BUCKEYE for more information
on boating related events. Some launch ramp fees may apply. Catawba Island
(derivable from the mainland) has the closest launch ramps to Put-n-Bay.
Suggest Marine Radio and GPS. Check weather for small craft advisories
(waves can get in the 6-10 feet range on sudden wind change). (419) 797-4530
Catawba Island State Park, (Free Ramp). Can access from Chargrin River
in Lake County, Huron River in Erie County, Sandusky River in Sandusky
County, and Maumee in Lucas / Wood County in Toledo. Ideal launching communities
include the Catawba Island area just northwest west of Sandusky,
Sandusky in areas near the Cedar Point Causeway, the Boating Community
of Vermilion, Ohio (Boating Americas prime pick) and Lorain.
There are also many other posted launching areas along Route 6.
The Ohio River. Southern counties of the state. Various places to
launch (about every 20 miles), Unlimited HP. Camping, Rentals, Fuel, Fishing,
Swimming, Sailing, Picnicking, Information Center in Marietta. Suggested
Sights and events for 1998 to be posted. Various boating events in
Cincinnati. Some launch ramp fees may apply. (Be sure to check "Links Page").
Also accessible from Muskingum as far north as Dresdin. Ohio and Hand Locked
through 11 locks through Zanesville, plus Little Miami River in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati offers excellent boating opportunities with ramping available
for a small fee at various points including Schmidts off the eastern I475
loop with an easy run westward to downtown Cincinnati. Many restaurants
along the downtown riverfront offer docking on the Covington, KY side with
excellent views of downtown and Cinergy Field (current home of the Reds
and Bengels). October 13-17, 1999 Tall Stacks will bring the past to life,
as America's grandest riverboats gather on the Ohio River at Cincinnati
for 5 days of good old-fashioned fun October 13-17, 1999. Riverboat cruises
& races, boat rides, costumed characters, historical re-enactments,
Dixieland jazz and down-home cooking' will give visitors of all ages an
unforgettable slice of Americana. This will be a major boating event, make
plans to be there next year. The Ohio River in the Marietta area is also
growing with regard to boating. It has jet ski rentals in Belpre, Ohio.
New this year is a restaurant overlooking the Ohio with bands on the weekends
and a new addition this year which is a great asset to the area is
the water support team that was sponsored by Pepsi, Dairy Queen of Marietta,
and WNUS radio. The support team is on the water every weekend giving free
tows, gas, and jump starts while promoting boating safety and giving
live radio broadcasts to help boaters while in the area. If
you happen to find the boat cool treat on the water with all the logos
on it stop them and the will give you a free water support
team tee shirt.
Cuyahoga River. Cuyahoga County. In the Heart of Cleveland!. Various
Launch areas, some may have fee. Fishing, Sailing, Fuel and Rental Boats.
The "Bottoms" has become a popular area with restaurants and clubs.
Maumee River. Henry/Wood/Lucas Counties. Unlimited H.P. Various
Launch Ramps. Fishing, Sailing, Skiing, Fuel. Note.. check with local area
on skiing regulations. Suggest Mary Jane Thurston State Park in Wood County.
Muskingum River Parkway. Muskingum, Morgan, Washington Counties.
Unlimited H.P., Fishing, Fuel, Information Center (at the Zanesville lock)
Picnic Grounds, Campsites, Skiing, Canoeing, Various launch areas, some
charge small fee. The only Navigable Inland Ohio River that still has Hand
Turned Locks built in the 1800s. Average depth is 5-10 feet, and locks
operate on most summer weekends. 35 dollar annual fee ($ 50 dollars over
26 feet) covers all 11 locks. Be sure to check out the Zanes
Trace Commemoration in middle June with concerts and fireworks above the
Zanesville Locks and the Marietta Sternwheeler Festival in September on
the south end of the parkway. Lorena Sternwheeler operates
May until October in Zanesville. * Note, McConnelsville south lock # 7
is closed this year. Operation in 98 on the rest of the locks is 8 am to
4pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
O'Shaughnessy Res. / Griggs Res. (Scioto River) . 1330 / 364 Acres
Columbus / Delaware-Franklin Counties. Must mention because of Columbus
Boaters. Watch for no wake and ski areas. O'Shaughnessy adjacent to Columbus
Zoo but zoo is not accessible from boat. Sailing, Skiing, canoeing only
on O'Shaughnessy. Fuel, Rental Docks and Picnicking available on both.
Check for special events in Columbus Dispatch. Sailing suggested for Hoover
Res. (3300 Acres) 6 hp limit.
Alum Creek State Park . 3387 Acres. Delaware County north of Columbus.
Various Free launch, Unlimited HP. Camping, Rentals, Fuel, Fishing, Swimming,
Skiing, Sailing, Picnicking, Scuba (by permission), Ice Boating, Canoeing.
Note.. Para-sailing by permission. Great for boat camping, also excellent
coves for fishing, swimming (designated). No wake zone north of US 36.
Columbus weekend boating traffic may cause heavy wakes. (614) 548-4631.
Here For a Detailed Map of Alum Creek Reservoir .
Berlin Res. 3590 Acres. Portage County. Unlimited H.P. Free Launch
Ramps near dam, Fishing, Sailing, Canoeing, Skiing, Picnicking, Rental
Docks, Fuel, Rental Boats, Swimming, Ice Boating, Scuba Diving.
Buck Creek State Park (C.J. Brown Res.). 2120 Acres. Clark County
near Springfield. Free launch, Unlimited HP. Camping, Rentals, Fuel, Fishing,
Swimming, Sailing, Picnicking, Scuba, Ice Boating, Canoeing. (513) 322-5284.
Buckeye Lake. 3300 Acres. Various Free launch, Unlimited HP. Camping,
Rentals, Fuel, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Picnicking, Ice Boating,
Canoeing. Note.. Shallow in some areas. Average 5-8 feet in depth. Buckeye
Lake is South of Newark near I-70. Suggested events: Sweet Corn Festival
in Fall in Millersport.
Branch Reservoir / West Branch State Park. Skiing, Fishing, Sailing,
Campsites, Picnic Grounds, Fishing, Ramps, Marina, Fuel, Information Area.
Surrounded by dense forest, this lake is popular for all water sports activities.
Located just east of Ravenna, Ohio off Ravenna Warren Rd.
Caesar Creek Res. Caesar Creek State Park. 2830 Acres. Warren County.
Unlimited H.P.. Free Launch Ramps, Fishing, Sailing, Canoeing, Skiing,
Picnicking, Swimming, Ice Boating. (513) 897-3055.
Deer Creek Lake, Deer Creek State Park. 1277 Acres. Pickaway County.
Unlimited H.P. Free Launch Ramps, Fishing, Sailing, Canoeing, Skiing, Picnicking,
Rental Docks, Fuel, Rental Boats, Swimming, Ice Boating. (614) 869-3124.
Delaware State Park. 1330 Acres. Delaware County at Delaware State
Park. A little smaller but nice lower traffic lake. Two Free Launch Ramps,
Unlimited HP. Camping, Rentals, Fuel, Skiing, Fishing, Swimming, Sailing,
Picnicking, Canoeing. (614) 369-2761.
Grand Lake St. Marys. 13,849 Acres. Auglaize County. Various places
to launch, Unlimited HP. Camping, Rentals, Fuel, Fishing, Swimming, Sailing,
Skiing, Picnicking, Scuba, Ice Boating, Canoeing, also can use Air Boats
and Hovercraft in ski / open zones. (419) 394-3611.
Indian Lake. 5800 Acres. Logan County. Unlimited HP. Camping (including
20 boat campsites), Rentals, Fuel, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing,
Picnicking, Skiing, Cabins, Canoeing. Ice Boating, Note.. Shallow in some
areas. Fast Food available from water. Indian Lake State Park 937-843-2717.
Extra Information at
Marsha Lake. 2160 Acres. Clermont County at East Fork State Park.
Free Launch, Unlimited HP. Camping, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing,
Picnicking, Swimming, Canoeing. Note.. No Fuel. (513) 734-4323.
Michael J. Kirwin Res. West Branch State Park. 2650 Acres.
Portage County. Unlimited H.P. Free Launch Ramps, Fishing, Sailing, Canoeing,
Skiing, Picnicking, Rental Docks, Fuel, Rental Boats, Swimming, Ice Boating.
(216) 296-3239.
Mosquito Creek, Mosquito Creek State Park. 7850 Acres. Trumbull
County. Unlimited H.P. Free Launch Ramps, Fishing, Sailing, Canoeing, Skiing,
Picnicking, Rental Docks, Fuel, Rental Boats, Swimming, Ice Boating. Airboats,
Hovercraft in ski/speed zones. (216) 637-2856.
Paint Creek Lake / Rocky Fork Lake. 1200 / 2080 Acres. Both in Highland
County West of Chillicothe. Free Launch, Unlimited HP. Camping, Rentals,
Fuel, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Picnicking, (Scuba, Ice Boating
on Paint Creek Lake). Canoeing. Very Scenic Area!.
Salt Fork Res. 2952 Acres. Guernsey County North of I-70 / I-77
Interchange Cambridge. Various Free launch ramps, Unlimited HP. Camping,
Rentals, Fuel, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Picnicking, Cabins,
Camping with boat slips, Canoeing. Note.. One of Ohio's best State Parks.
McDonalds available at Beach accessible from boaters swimming area. Highly
suggested in Fall when leaves change. Be sure to check out the golf course
and lodge in Salt Fork State Park. (614) 439-3521.
Seneca Lake. 3550 Acres in Noble County just south of Cambridge,
accessible off I-70 or I-77. 180 H.P. Max. Free Launch Ramps near dam,
Fishing, Sailing, Canoeing, Skiing, Picnicking, Rental Docks, Fuel, Rental
Boats, Swimming, Ice Boating. Cabins are available along with camping with
slips or docks. Islands are also a fun stop!. There is a full service marina
at the north end of the lake, and a restaurant overlooks the slips. I personally
recommend this lake if your in the Southeastern Ohio Area. (216) 343-6647.
Tappan Lake. 2350 Acres. Free launch Ramps, 120 HP. Harrison
County in East Central Ohio N.E. of Salt Fork. Camping, Rentals, Fuel,
Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Picnicking, Ice Boating, Canoeing.
(216) 343-6647.
Ward Canal "Metzger Marsh State Park". Lucas County. Unlimited HP.
Camping, Slip Rentals, Fishing, Skiing, Sailing, Picnicking, Canoeing.
(419) 424-5000.
Copyright ©: Mark K. Cameron Revised June 1st, 1998